Hélène Morlon

I am a CNRS research director at the Institute of Biology of the Ecole Normale Supérieure. I am also associated to the SMILE group at the Collège de France. I am broadly interested in biodiversity research, and I am a TED Fellow.


Hélène Morlon

Ignacio Quintero

Ignacio is a CNRS researcher in the team. He is broadly interested in studying variation in biodiversity from an evolutionary perspective. Specifically, he uses and implements phylogenetic tools, such as inference of diversification rates, trait evolution, and phylogeography, to gain a more mechanistic understanding on the origin of diversity patterns.


Hélène Morlon

Joelle Barido-Sottani

Joëlle is a CNRS researcher in the team. She is broadly interested in developing and implementing birth-death models for Bayesian phylogenetic inference, in order to understand better the underlying processes which give rise to phylogenetic trees. In particular, she contributes to the software frameworks BEAST2 and RevBayes. Her current research focuses on models with lineage-specific variation in birth and death rates, and their use in full phylogenetic inference.


Hélène Morlon

Benoit Perez

Benoît is a PhD student from the Ecole Normale Supérieure and now post-doc in the lab. Interested in the interactions between complex organisms and their unicellular symbionts, he is working on models of coevolution between hosts and microbiota. He is a student from the Master IMaLiS at the École Normale Supérieure and the Master Ecology, Biodiversity and Evolution at the Université Pierre et Marie Curie.


Hélène Morlon

Viktor Senderov

I joined the lab in October 2022 for my third postdoc. My first two were with Fredrik Ronquist and David Broman in Stockholm as part of a Marie Curie-funded project aiming to develop a new universal probabilistic programming language for phylogenetics named TreePPL. My new project here in collaboration with Amaury Lambert and Marie Manceau aims to develop Bayesian probabilistic models for the co-evolution of molecular and phenotypic traits as applied to bird genomic data.


Hélène Morlon

Octavio Jimenez Robles

Octavio is an avid field naturalist with a research background in community ecology, biogeography, natural history, and ecophysiology. He is a Marie Sklodowska Curie Fellow working in collaboration with Craig Moritz at the Australian National University. His project tackles the impact of biotic interchanges on diversification using phylogenetic and macroevolutionary approaches.


Hélène Morlon

Pierre Veron

I graduated from the École Polytechnique and the EPFL, master Environmental Sciences. After a master thesis at Ifremer on fish biodiversity, I joined the lab in October 2022 for a PhD on speciation modelling, co-supervised by Hélène and Tatiana Giraud. I am interested in understanding how microevolutionary phenomena explain speciation rate heterogeneity.


Hélène Morlon

Jérémy Andréoletti

Jérémy is a student from the Ecole Normale Supérieure, Masters IMaLiS at the ENS and Mathematics for Life Sciences at the Université Paris-Saclay. Interested in the evolution of biodiversity and its links with environmental drivers, he previously did an internship in the lab and is now doing a PhD on the extinction drivers of microeukaryotes, co-advised by Erin Saupe.


Hélène Morlon

Fantine Bodin

I am a third-year biology student at the ENS doing an internship with Benoit Perez. I am working on the evolution of mycorrhyzial symbiosis, more precisely evaluating the phylogenetic congruence between plants and their fungi.


Hélène Morlon

Minghao Du

I am a Geology PhD student from China's Central South University. I'm interested in models, Bayesian statistics, and macroevolution. I am visiting the Morlon lab for two years to conduct research on Fossilized Birth-Death (FBD) model with mass extinctions under the guidance of Joëlle.


Hélène Morlon

Rosario Miranda

Rosario is a Master's student in the Tropical Biodiversity and Ecosystems program, co-advised by Hélène and Ben Warren at the Museum of Natural History in Paris. She is interested in studying the mechanisms that produce and maintain biodiversity. Additionally, she is fascinated by studying island biogeography from an evolutionary perspective.


Hélène Morlon

Anaïs Spire

Anaïs is an ENS-PSL master's student in theoretical evolutionary biology. She previously completed a mathematics-biology dual bachelor's degree at Université Côte d'Azur. She is now an intern in the lab for 5 months cheerully investigating the time it takes to speciate under a model of speciation with gene flow, under Pierre's supervision.




Hélène Morlon

Mahwash Jamy

Mahwash is a postdoc fellow at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences and is funded by the Swedish Research Council. She is broadly interested in studying the ecology and evolution of microbial eukaryotes using environmental sequencing data. She is visiting the lab for several months to work on environmental and biotic drivers of diversification in dinoflagellates.

Hélène Morlon

Guilhem Sommeria Klein

Guilhem is a former postdoc from the lab. He now has a postdoc fellowship to work with Leo Lahti in the Turku Data Science Group in Finland. He visits the lab regularly.

Hélène Morlon

Oscar Wrisberg

I am a PhD student from Plant Evolution and Biodiversity group at Aarhus University. I am interested in the origin of tropical rainforest plant hyperdiversity, if it differs across biogeographical realms and the possible underlying processes. I am visiting the Morlon lab for five months to further my knowledge on diversification models and how to apply them to big datasets.

Hélène Morlon

Wilhelmine Bach

Wilhelmine is a PhD student at the ETH Zurich working with Loic Pellissier. She visited us to discuss her work on Gen3sis.

Hélène Morlon

Wenna Ding

I am a postdoc fellow at the Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL and funded by SNSF Swiss Postdoctoral Fellowship to work with Niklaus E. Zimmermann in collaboration with Hélène. I am interested in the biotic interchange among different mountain ranges in the Northern Hemisphere and how historical factors (e.g., uplift and climate changes) have affected the alpine plant diversification.

Hélène Morlon

Michael Turelli

Michael spent three weeks in the lab as part of his sabbatical from the University of California, Davis.

Hélène Morlon

Alfried Vogler

Alfried Vogler spent his sabbatical from Imperial College London and the Natural History Museum. He studies the phylogenetics and diversification of the Coleoptera (beetles). He is compiling an increasingly complete tree that integrates all available genome sequences, phylogenetic markers and (meta)barcoding. His visit was funded by the Leverhulme Trust.

Hélène Morlon

Romain Watteaux

Romain, former postdoctoral researcher at the Statione Zoological Anton Dohrn in Napoli, spent several months in the lab. Romain studies how fluid dynamics affects growth and distribution of plankton in the oceans.

Hélène Morlon

Gisela Kopp

Gisella, former postdoc fellow in the Max-Planck-Institute for Ornithologie, obtained funding to come in Paris for several visits. Gisella is interested in understanding how behaviour, such as spatio-temporal grouping patterns and dispersal, impact genetic diversity and evolutionary processes, such as local adaptation, genetic differentiation, and speciation.

Hélène Morlon

Marius Somveille

Marius, forter postdoctoral fellow of the Edward Grey Institute at Oxford, visited the lab regularly. His research interests lie in understanding the processes underlying biodiversity patterns. In particular, his work focuses on the macroecology and macroevolution of bird migration.


Hélène Morlon

Renske Onstein

Renske was funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation to do a postdoc with Hervé Sauquet in collaboration with our group. She works on fruit trait evolution and the effects of fruit traits on diversification rates in the custard-apple family (Annonaceae).


Hélène Morlon

Florian Hartig

Dr. Florian Hartig from Freiburg visited the group to work on Bayesian models as part of a Procope mobility grant.


Hélène Morlon

Jessica Green

Hélène’s former post-doc advisor Jessica Green spent her sabbatical in the lab. It was great fun!


Hélène Morlon

Sonia Kefi

Sonia visited the lab regularly to work on the spatial assembly of food-webs.


Hélène Morlon

Brian Maitner

Brian was a PhD student in the Enquist lab at the University of Arizona. Brian is broadly interested in community assembly with a current focus on community phylogenetic patterns. Brian visited the lab as part of an exchange program between the Ecole Normale Supérieure and the University of Arizona.


Hélène Morlon

Hannah Salim

Hannah was a PhD student at UC Berkeley in Matthew Potts’ group. She got awarded a prestigious Chateaubriand fellowship to visit the Lab.


Hélène Morlon

Luna Sanchez Reyes

Luna was a PhD student with Susana Magallon from the University of Mexico.


Hélène Morlon

Jana Smrčková

Jana was a PhD student from the University of South Bohemia.




Past members


Hélène Morlon

Alya Campedel

Alya is pursuing her curriculum at the Ecole Normale Supérieure


Hélène Morlon

Baptiste Morillon

Baptiste is pursuing his curriculum at the Ecole Normale Supérieure


Hélène Morlon

Abdelmajid Omarjee

Abdel is now doing a PhD thesis with Guillaume Achaz.


Hélène Morlon

Caitlyn Jean-Baptiste

Caitlyn is pursuing her graduate studies.


Hélène Morlon

Lucas Buffan

Lucas is now a PhD student with Fabien Condamine in Montpellier


Hélène Morlon


Nils is now a PhD student with Julien Clavel in Lyon, in collaboration with us.


Hélène Morlon

Renan Maestri

Renan is back at the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul.


Hélène Morlon

Sophia Lambert

Sophia is now a post-doc at the University of Oregon with Stilianos Louca.


Hélène Morlon

Mattia Tarabolo

Mattia is now doing a PhD at the University of Torino


Hélène Morlon

Gabriel Sagot

Gabriel is now doing a master with Jean-Francois Le Gaillard.


Hélène Morlon

Isaac Overcast

Isaac is now a postdoc with Andy Rominger at the University of Maine.


Hélène Morlon

Jakub Voznica

Jakub is now doing a MBA.

Hélène Morlon

Loréna Duret

Loréna is now doing a master internship with Francois Blanquart at the College de France.

Hélène Morlon

Thomas Merrien

Thomas is now doing a PhD in Helsinki, Finland.

Hélène Morlon

Odile Maliet

Odile is now an engineer at the National Center for Spatial Studies in Toulouse.

Hélène Morlon

Leandro Aristide

Leandro is now a permanent researcher at the CONICET in Argentina

Hélène Morlon

Ana Silva

Ana is a now a postdoc with Camille Roux at the University of Lille.



Hélène Morlon

Philippine Dubertrand

Philippine is pursuing her studies at Paris-Saclay University.


Hélène Morlon

Benoit Pichon

Benoit is now pursuing the master IMaLiS from the ENS.


Hélène Morlon

Nathan Gil

Nathan is now doing his second year of master in ecology and evolution at the University of Montpellier.


Hélène Morlon

Rémy Le Goff

Rémy is now doing a Master with Fabien Leprieur at the University of Montpellier.


Hélène Morlon

Carmelo Fruciano

Carmelo is now a permanent researcher at the National Research Council in Messina, Sicily.


Hélène Morlon

Nina Vittorelli

Nina pursues her studies at the Ecole Normale Supérieure.

Hélène Morlon

Marc Manceau

Marc is now a postdoctoral researcher with Tanja Stadler.

Hélène Morlon

Julien Clavel

Julien is now a CNRS researcher in Lyon.

Hélène Morlon

Eric Lewitus

Eric is now a Bioinformatics Analyst at the Walter Reed Institute of Research.

Hélène Morlon

Olivier Missa

Olivier has moved to Papua New Guinea.

Hélène Morlon

Margaux Bieuville

Margaux is pursuing her Erasmus Mundus program in evolutionary biology (MEME).


Hélène Morlon

Renske Gudde

Renske has now moved to Germany.


Hélène Morlon

Samuel Delbecq

Samuel is pursuing his studies at the Ecole Normale Supérieure


Hélène Morlon

César Martinez

César is now a PhD student in Montpellier

Hélène Morlon

Jonathan Drury

J.P. is an assistant professor at Durham University.

Hélène Morlon

Linh-Phuong Nguyen

Phuong is now a postdoctoral researcher at the iEES in Paris.

Hélène Morlon

Olivier Billaud

Olivier is now doing a PhD at the MNHN in Paris.


Hélène Morlon

Jonathan Rolland

Jonathan is now a CNRS researcher in Toulouse.


Hélène Morlon

Pierre-Henri Fabre

Pierre-Henri is now an assistant professor in Montpellier.


Hélène Morlon

Dan Moen

Dan is now an Assistant Professor in the Department of Integrative Biology at Oklahoma State University.


Hélène Morlon

Fabien Condamine

Fabien is now a CNRS researcher in Montpellier.


Hélène Morlon

Victoria Culshaw

Viky is now doing a PhD with Isabel Sanmartin.


Hélène Morlon

Mircea Sofonea

Mircea is now an assistant professor at the MIVEGEC in Montpellier


Hélène Morlon

Elisabeth Reyes

After a master with us, Elisabeth did a PhD with Hervé Sauquet at the University of Orsay.


Hélène Morlon

Lucile Morelle

Lucile is now a lecturer in mathematics


Hélène Morlon

Prince Peprah Osei

After his internship with us, Prince pursued his Erasmus Mundus Complex Systems master program at the Ecole Polytechnique.