April 2024

Mammals diversification study featured in Science!

Our paper studying mammals diversification under a new Birth-Death Diffusion model, first-authored by Ignacio, has been accepted in Science. Congrats Ignacio!



Hélène presents at the scientific days of the Océan et MERs research grouping.


March 2024

Cophylogenetic signal versus phylogenetic congruence

Our paper clarifying the difference between cophylogenetic signal and phylogenetic congruence, and its consequence for our understanding of the evolution of species interactions, has been accepted in Systematic Biology. Congrats Benoit!


Evolutionary origin of mammalian coronaviruses

Our paper investigating the evolutionary origin of mammalian coronaviruses, first authored by Renan and Benoit, has been accepted in eLife. Congrats!


Telling mutualistic and antagonistic ecological networks apart

Our paper using machine learning to distinguish mutualistic and antagonist networks has been accepted in Methods in Ecology & Evolution. Congrats!


Reimagining Ocean Ecology

Hélène presents (remotely) at the Reimagining Ocean Ecology workshop.


February 2024

Anais and Rosario joining the lab

Welcome to both of you!


Phylogenetics insights into diversification

Our team review has been accepted in American Review in Ecology, Evolution and Systematics. Congrats team!


January 2024

Hélène becoming Handling Editor at Evolution

Happy to join the handling editors of Evolution.


Hélène lecturing at the Phylogenomics workshop

Hélène participated in the 2024 Phylogenomics workshop in Cesky Krumlov, Czech Republic. Thank you to the organisers for putting this workshop together.


Mahwash joining the lab

Welcome Mahwash!


December 2023

Phenotypic evolution and limited ecological opportunity

Our paper on the effect of limited ecological opportunity on morphological evolution in birds, first authored by Jonathan, has been accepted in Current Biology. Congrats Jonathan!


SSB Publisher's Award granted to Jérémy Andréoletti

Congratulations to Jérémy, who wan the Publisher's Award for Excellence in Systematic Research from the Society of Systematic Biologists for his paper on the Occurrence Birth-Death process.


Minghao joining the lab

Welcome Minghao!



Hélène and Pierre participated in the EverEvol conference in Grenoble.


November 2023

Fantine and Tim joining the lab



October 2023

Post-doctoral position available

A post-doctoral position is available to work on a Global Ocean Biodiversity model. Come work with us!


Exploring congruence classes

Our paper on the exploration of congruence classes in the phylogenetic analysis of diversification has been accepted in Methods in Ecology and Evolution. Congrats Jeremy!


September 2023

Oscar Wrisberg visiting

Oscar Wrisberg from Wolf Eiserhardt's group at Aarhus university joins the lab for five months to work on the origin of tropical rainforest plant diversity. Welcome Oscar!


June 2023

Evolution of the microbiota

Our paper reconstructing ancestral microbiota composition and studying their evolution is now available in Molecular Biology & Evolution. Congrats Benoit!


Chaire Modélisation Mathématique et Biodiversité

Hélène, Jérémy and Pierre present at the summer school of the Chaire Modélisation Mathématique et Biodiversité.


May 2023

Deep Learning from Phylogenies

Our paper using deep learning for phylogenetic diversification analyses, first-authored by Sophia and Jakub, has been accepted in Systematic Biology. Congrats to you both!


Heterogeneous birth-death priors

Our paper implementing the Cladogenetic Diversification rate Shift model in BEAST2, first-authored by Joelle, has been accepted in Systematic Biology and is now published online. Congrats Joelle!


April 2023

The build up of tropical diversity

Our paper on the build up of the present-day tropical diversity of tetrapods, first-authored by Ignacio, has just been accepted in PNAS. Congrats Ignacio!



Hélène and Pierre present at the Mathematical Models in Population Dynamics, Ecology and Evolution (MMPDEE) conference at the CIRM in Marseille.


Transmitting Science

Sophia, Joelle and Benoit from the lab, former lab member Julien Clavel and Nathan Mazet run a workshop on using our software RPANDA and jPANDA for Transmitting Science.


iBioGen R Package

Our paper describing the iBioGen R Package from the iBioGen project, first-authored by Isaac, has been accepted in Molecular Ecology. Congrats Isaac!


Extinction: Past, Present and Future

Our book chapter on estimating and comparing extinction rates in the past, in the present, and in the future, first-authored by Jérémy, is now ready for publication in the 3rd Edition of the Encyclopedia of Biodiversity. Congrats Jérémy!


Whilhelmine Bach visiting

Whilhelmine Bach from Loic Pellissier's group at the ETH Zurich visits us for two weeks to discuss her research.


February 2023

Gordon Conference on Speciation

Ignacio presents his research at the 2023 GRC Speciation conference in Lucca, Italy.


Statistical Methods for Post Genomic Data 2023

Hélène presents research from the lab at the SMPGD 2023 conference in Ghent, Belgium.


January 2023

BIOcean5D kick off meeting

We launched the BIOcean5D project in EMBL, Heidelberg, Germany.


Conférence Legrain Pasteur

Hélène presents research from the lab at the Conférence Legrain Pasteur in Paris.


Abdel and Caitlyn joining the lab

Abdel Omarjee and Caitlyn Jean-Baptiste join the lab for master internships. Welcome!


December 2022

Ecology & Evolution of the microbiota

Ellen Decaestecker and Hélène organize a two-days symposium on the Ecology & Evolution of the microbiota.


November 2022

Ambassador's Chair Kulak

Hélène gives the last two lectures of her Ambassador's Chair at KU Leuven Kulak.


Forum des Savoirs

Hélène gives a public lecture at the Forum des Savoirs in Rouen.


October 2022

Genetic Theory of Island Biogeography

Our review of biodiversity models integrating multi-dimensional data, first authored by Isaac, has been accepted in Global Ecology and Biogeography. Congrats Isaac!


Wenna Ding visiting

Wenna spent 2 weeks in the lab as part of her Swiss National Science Foundation Fellowship on Alpine plant diversification. She will come back in the fall for a 6 months visit.


Ambassador's Chair Kulak

Hélène gives the Opening Talk and first lecture of her Ambassador's Chair at KU Leuven Kulak.


EMBO Workshop

Hélène participates in the EMBO workshop Adherent microbial communities: Quantitative approaches from single cell to ecosystems in Cargese, Corsica.


150th Anniversary Roscoff Marine Biological Station

Hélène presents research from the lab at the scientific symposium celebrating the 150th anniversary of the Roscoff Marine Biological Station.


Viktor joining the lab

Viktor Senderov joined the lab for a postdoc. Welcome Viktor!


September 2022

EMBO Workshop

Hélène participates in the EMBO workshop Comparative genomics of unicellular eukaryotes: Interactions and symbioses in San Feliu de Guixols, Spain.


August 2022

Vertical Transmission in Host-Associated Microbiota

Our paper on comparing computational approaches for detecting vertical transmission, first authored by Benoit, has been accepted in Molecular Ecology. Congrats Benoit!


Joëlle presenting at ESEB

Joëlle presents her research at the 2022 ESEB Conference in Prague.


July 2022

Joëlle and Sophia presenting at Evolution 2022

Joëlle and Sophia present their research at the Evolution 2022 conference in Cleveland.


Hélène presenting at JOBIM 2022

Hélène presents research from the lab at the 2022 JOBIM conférence.


Benoit presenting at Holobiont 2022

Benoit presents his research at the 3rd International Conference on Holobionts in Lyon.


June 2022

Humming-bird coevolution workshop

Hélène participated in a workshop on humming-bird coevolution organized by Catherine Graham and Elisa Barreto. Thank you for the invitation and organization!


Hubert Curien workshop

We held our second workshop "Developing eco-evolutionary models for high-dimensional data analyses" in the context of a Hubert Curien partnership lead by former postdocs in the group Jonathan Drury and Julien Clavel.


Sophia and Hélène at the TARA retreat

Sophia and Hélène present their research at the retreat of the TARA project.


May 2022

Petit Pois Déridé 2022

Hélène presents research from the lab at the conférence Petit Pois Déridé in Lille.


April 2022

Barcoding data and diversification analyses

Our paper on Glomeromycotina diversification, first authored by Benoit, is now available online. Congrats Benoit!


Grand Séminaire at the CEREGE

Hélène presents research from the lab at the Cycle des grands séminaires of the CEREGE.


March 2022

Renan joining the lab

Renan Maestri joins the lab, he will be with us for one year as part of the Make Our Planet Great Again program. Welcome Renan!


Birth-Death Identifiability

Our paper with Florian Hartig and Stéphane Robin on addressing identifiability issues has been accepted in TREE and is now available online!


Bridging the micro-macro gap

Hélène presents research from the lab at the Seminars Series of the Network for the Integration of Speciation Research.


February 2022

Mattia joining the lab

Mattia Tarrabolo joins the lab for a master internship. Welcome Mattia!


Transmitting Science

Current and former lab members give a 25 hours online course on Understanding Macroevolutionary Dynamics using RPANDA and jPANDA.


January 2022

Phylosymbiosis & microbial transmission

Our paper on microbial transmission in Hawaiian spiders, first authored by Benoit, has been accepted at mSystems and is available online. Congrats Benoit!


Guilhem on France Culture

Guilhem talks about his Science paper at La Méthode Scientifique on France Culture.


December 2021

Gabriel joining the lab

Gabriel Sagot joins the lab for a "Immersion Expérimentale" at the ENS. Welcome Gabriel!



Renan Maestri's project for a 1 year visit in our lab has been funded by the Make Our Planet Great Again program. Congrats Renan!


Biology of Ecological Systems

Benoit, Ignacio and Sophia teach in the Ecology and Evolution program at the ENS


November 2021

Plankton biogeography

Our paper on eukaryotic plankton biogeography, first-authored by Guilhem, is now out in Science. Congrats Guilhem!


Joelle joining the lab

Joelle Barido-Sottani joins the lab as a Marie-Curie Fellow. Welcome Joelle!


October 2021

Environmental Genomics Symposium, Tours

Hélène presents research from the lab at the Environmental Genomics Symposium in Tours.


Journée Francois Jacob

Hélène presents research from the lab at the Collège de France, at the occasion of the Francois Jacob day Mathematical Beauty of the Living


September 2021

Jeremy joining the lab

New master student Jeremy Andreoletti joins the lab. Welcome Jeremy!


eLife Symposium

Hélène presents computational approaches developed in the lab at the eLife online symposium Computational and Systems Biology.


IMBE Seminar

Hélène presents research from the lab at the Mediterranean Institute for Biodiversity and Ecology. Here is a video of the seminar.


August 2021

Ted-Ed lesson

Our TED-Ed Lesson on metabarcoding and eDNA is now available online! Thank you Ana Papadopoulou, Isaac Overcast, Emmanouil Meramveliotakis, the iBiogen project, Blok Magnaye, and TED-Ed.


July 2021

Diversification and Data Augmentation

Our paper using data augmentation to estimate branch-specific speciation rates has been accepted in Systematic Biology. Congrats Odile!


Hubert Curien workshop

We will hold our first workshop "Developing eco-evolutionary models for high-dimensional data analyses" in the context of a Hubert Curien partnership lead by former postdocs in the group Jonathan Drury and Julien Clavel.


iBiogen Workshop

Isaac and Hélène will participate in the online iBiogen Workshop on Collective and harmonised HTS approaches to inventory arthropod on islands.


Botany 2021

Hélène will present research from the lab in the session entitled Modeling the processes that mediate speciation and extinction rates across plants at the 2021 Botany conference organized by Carrie Tribble and Rosana Zenil-Ferguson.


June 2021

Benoit defends his PhD

Congratulation to Benoit, who brilliantly defended his PhD and is now a doctor!


UCL seminar

Hélène presented research from the lab at the departmental seminar series at University College London.


May 2021

Correlated evolution of genes and phenotypes

Our project "Quantitative tools for assessing the correlated evolution of genes and phenotypes: application to birds color patterns", in collaboration with Amaury Lambert and Marie Manceau, has been funded by the Labex Memolife.


Micro-macro in the evolution of phenotypic evolution

Our project "Micro-macro approaches in the study of phenotypic evolution", in collaboration with mathematicians Hélène Leman and Amaury Lambert, has been funded by the Mathematical Institute for Planet Earth.


Latitudinal gradient in phenotypic evolution

Our paper investigating latitudinal gradients in tempo and mode of morphological evolution in birds, first authored by former postdoc in the lab Jonathan Drury, has been accepted in PloS Biology. Congrats Jonathan!


Ecosystem Function on Land and in the Ocean

Sophia and Hélène will participate in the colloqium Ecosystem Function on Land and in the Ocean organized by Chris Bowler at the College de France.


March 2021

Qlife Winter School TARA

Sophia, Benoit and Hélène will teach macroevolution at the Qlife Winter School Quantitative Ecological Genomics in the Tara Ocean.


Seminar at the Collège de France

Hélène will present research from the lab at the Collège de France in the context of Chris Bowler's "Chaire biodiversité et écosystèmes".


CMEC seminar

Hélène will present research from the lab at the seminar series of the Center for Macroecology, Evolution and Climate.



Hélène will discuss the identifiability of birth-death models used in phylogenetic macroevolution at the next online phyloseminar.


February 2021

Successful Marie-Curie Fellowship

Congratulations to Joelle Barido-Sottani who received a Marie-Curie Fellowship to join the lab. Joelle will join us in the Fall. Congrats Joelle!


New lab members

We welcome three new lab members: L3 student from the ENS Loréna Duret, master student from the AgroParistech Thomas Merrien, and Marie Curie fellow Octavio Jimenez Robles. Welcome!


January 2021

Apply for a PhD project to join us!

Applications are open for a PhD project in our group starting in the Fall (2021), as part of the Artificial Intelligence for the Sciences doctoral program (project 16). The project is detailed here. Don't hesitate to contact Hélène for more information. Deadline February 26!


TARA Oceans

Hélène becomes a member of the Executive Board of the TARA Oceans Consortium


December 2020

Department of Organismal Biology, Uppsala University

Hélène presented research from the lab at the Seminar of the Department of Organismal Biology, Uppsala University


November 2020

iBiogen Workshop

Isaac and Hélène participated in the online iBiogen Workshop on Protocol Unification.


Women in Science - Ecology

Hélène talked at the WISE Virtual Conference.


October 2020

Alliance project

Our project "Developing eco-evolutionary models for high-dimensional data analyses" with former postdocs in the lab Jonathan Drury and Julien Clavel has been selected. Looking forward to continue working together!


Fête de la Science

We celebrate Science! Thanks to all lab members who participated in making this video, thank you Sophia for organizing!


September 2020

Moritz Lab Meeting

Hélène presented research form the lab at the Moritz group lab meeting.


School Seminar, University of Queensland

Hélène presented research form the lab at the School Seminars of the School of Biological Sciences at the University of Queensland.


Opening Conference, EcoDep

Hélène presented research form the lab at the Opening Conference of the EcoDep project.


July 2020

Eco-evolutionary emergence of interaction networks

Our paper on the eco-evolutionary emergence of bipartite interaction networks, first-authored by Odile, has just been accepted at Ecology Letters. Congrats Odile!


Jonathan Rolland will soon join the CNRS!

Past PhD student in the lab Jonathan Rolland as been ranked first at the CNRS competition in the ecology and evolution section. Congrats Jonathan!


June 2020

Philippine joining the lab

New intern Philippine Dubertrand joins the lab. Welcome Philippine!


May 2020

Benoit Pichon joining the lab

New master student Benoit Pichon joins the lab. Welcome Benoit!


Modeling punctuated molecular evolution

Our paper on modeling punctuated molecular evolution first authored by Marc Manceau and Julie Marin has been accepted in Molecular Biology and Evolution. Congrats Marc and Julie!


Horizon Magazine

Research from the lab highlighted in the EU Research & Innovation Magazine Horizon.


France Culture

Hélène participates in the program "La Culture Scientifique", on phylodynamics, on France Culture.


April 2020

Leandro obtaining a permanent position!

Leandro obtains a permanent position at the CONICET in Argentina. Congrats Leandro!


Interpreting results of model fits in RPANDA

Here is a response to a technical comment in Ecology Letters that clarifies interpretations of model fits in RPANDA.


Benoit presents his research

Benoit presents his paper on cheating in arbuscular mycorrhizal mutualism in the "What we are reading" program of the South American Mycorrhizal Research Network.


March 2020

EMBO/EMBL Symposia

Hélène presents research from the lab at the EMBO/EMBL Symposia The Organism and its Environment


Nathan Gil joining the lab

New master student Nathan Gil joined the lab. Welcome Nathan!


February 2020

Marie-Curie Fellowships

Congratulations to Ignacio Quintero and Octavio Jimenez Robles who both obtained Marie-Curie Fellowships!! Ignacio will carry his INSANE project primarily in Hélène's group at the ENS and Octavio will carry his RECOMBINE project in both the Moritz group in Australia and Hélène's group at the ENS.


Phylogenetic regressions for multivariate data

Our paper on maximum- and penalized-likelihood phylogenetic regressions for multivariate comparative data, first-authored by Julien, has been accepted in Systematic Biology. Congrats Julien!


January 2020

Cheating in arbuscular mycorrhizal mutualism

Our paper on plant mycorrhiza interactions, first-authored by Benoit, has been accepted in New Phytologist. Congrats Benoit!


Hélène presenting at SMPGD 2020

Hélène presents research from the lab at the 2020 workshop on Statistical Methods for Post Genomic Data


December 2019

Carmelo obtaining a permanent position!

Carmelo obtains a permanent position at the University of Portsmouth, congrats Carmelo!


Isaac Overcast joining the lab

New post-doc Isaac Overcast joins the lab. Welcome Isaac!


October 2019

Remy Le Goff joining the lab

New post-doc Remy Le Goff joins the lab. Welcome Remy!


Hélène presenting at Boden Research Conference

Hélène will present research from the lab at the Australian Academy of Science Boden Conference in Melbourne. Thanks Christy Hipsley for organizing and inviting me!


September 2019

Characterizing phylogenetic trait data

Our paper using graph theory to characterize phenotypic data on phylogenetic trees, first authored by Eric Lewitus, has been accepted at Syst Bio. Congrats Eric!


Hélène presenting at the Collège de France

Hélène presented research from the lab at the Journée Francois Jacob at the Collège de France. Thanks Edith Heard and Hugues de Thé for inviting!


Benoit presenting at Network2019

Benoit presented his research at the 4th Symposium on Ecological Networks in Paris.


August 2019

Competition in evolutionary radiations

Our paper coupling phenotypic evolution and diversification to understand the effects of competition during evolutionary radiations, first authored by Leandro Aristide, has been accepted at Ecology Letters. Congrats Leandro!


Estimating diversity through time

Our paper on estimating diversity through time using molecular phylogenies, first authored by Olivier Billaud, has been accepted at Systematic Biology. Congrats Olivier!


Assessing the causes of diversification slowdowns

Our paper presenting temperature-dependence as an alternative to diversity-dependence for explaining diversification slowdowns, first authored by Fabien Condamine and Jonathan Rolland, has been accepted at Ecology Letters. Congrats Fabien and Jonathan!


Carmelo presenting at ESEB

Carmelo will present his research at the 2019 Congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology in Turku, Finland.


July 2019

Characterizing microbial modes of inheritance

Benoit's paper presenting HOME, a model for characterizing host-microbiota evolution, is now accepted at Molecular Ecology Resources. Congrats Benoit!


Odile at iDiv working group

Odile participates for the second time in a working group on "Explaining the latitudinal diversity gradient: synthesizing knowledge via data-driven mechanistic modelling" held in Pragues.


Leandro presenting at SMBE

Leandro presents his research at the 2019 Society for Molecular Biology & Evolution Meeting in Manchester.


Carmelo & Julien presenting at ICVM

Carmelo and Julien present their research at the 2019 International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology in Pragues.


Field work in La Réunion

Benoit and Hélène spent some time with Benoit's co-advisor's Florent Martos sampling plant communities and their associated mychorizza in La Réunion island.


iBioGen Symposium at IB2019 in La Réunion

Hélène is co-organizing a Symposium with Brent Emerson entitled "Synthesizing island biodiversity theory for community-wide genetic data" at the 2019 Island Biodiversity Conference in La Réunion. The Symposium will feature talks from Rosemary Gillespie, Isaac Overcast, Jérôme Chave, Benoit Perez Lamarque, and Carmelo Andújar.


June 2019

Guilhem presenting at IMBeR

Guilhem presents his research at the Integrated Marine Biosphere Research Open Sience Conference in Brest.


Fabio Mendes visiting

Fabio Mendes from Alexei's Drummond's lab visited us from New Zealand. Thanks for coming Fabio!


Hélène presenting at the LPSM

Hélène presens research from the lab at the Lab of Probability, Statistics and Modeling in Paris.


May 2019

Estimating lineage-specific diversification rates

Odile's paper on estimating lineage-specific diversification rates has been accepted in Nature Ecology and Evolution. Congrats Odile! The paper is available here with a comment by Tanja Stadler.


Sophia presenting at MCEB

Sophia presents her ongoing research on estimating diversification rates when the total number of species is unknown at the Mathematical and Computational Evolutionary Biology in Porquerolles.


April 2019

Biodiversity, Epigenetics and the Environment

Hélène presents research from the lab at the EMBL / Collège de France Meeting Biodiversity, Epigenetics and the Environment organized by Edith Heard


CEnter for Synthesis and Analysis of Biodiversity

Hélène joins the scientific committee of the CEnter for Synthesis and Analysis of Biodiversity


Jonathan and Julien visiting

Former postdocs Jonathan Drury and Julien Clavel visited us in Paris, great to have them back!


March 2019

Benoit and Sophia presenting at the YNHM

Benoit and Sophia present their PhD research at the 6th Young Natural History Scientists' Meeting in Paris.


ENS cross-Departments meeting day

Hélène presents research from the lab at an interdisciplinary meeting across departments from the ENS.


Ana presenting at the GRC

Ana presents her ongoing research on the link between genetic diversity and diversification rates in mammals at the 2019 Gordon Research Conference on Speciation in Ventura, California.


February 2019

LBBE Seminar

Hélène presents research from the lab at the Biometry and Evolutionary Biology Lab in Lyon.


Odile presenting at the ISYEB

Odile presents her research on estimating diversification rates at the Institute for Systematics, Evolution, and Biodiversity of the Museum of Natural History.


Ana presenting at Alphy 2019

Ana presents her ongoing research on the link between genetic diversity and diversification rates in mammals at the Alphy conference.


January 2019

Ignacio Quintero joining the lab

New post-doc Ignacio Quintero joins the lab. Welcome Ignacio!


Alfried Vogler

Pr. Alfried Vogler from the Natural History Museum joins the Lab for a one-year sabbatical. Welcome Alfried!


Isaac Overcast visiting

Isaac Overcast from the hickerlab, City University of New York, spends one week in the Lab. Isaac will join us in the fall, as a post-doc of the iBioGen project.


Center for Computational Biology Symposium

Hélène presents research from the group at the IBENS Center for Computational Biology Symposium


December 2018


Hélène gives the keynote speech at the iDiv Annual Conference


October 2018

Diatoms diversification dynamics

Our paper using TARA data to study the evolutionary history of diatoms, first-authored by Eric Lewitus, is now available at Nature Ecology & Evolution. Congrats Eric!


September 2018


We launched the iBioGen project, Twinning grant from the European Research Council, in Cyprus.


Past biodiversity response to climate change

Now online a Trends in Ecology & Evolution paper on understanding the effect of past climate changes on biodiversity, co-authored by Hélène.


Max Planck Tuebingen

Hélène presents research from the lab at the symposium Living Systems at the Max Planck Institute In Tuebingen.


August 2018

Evolution 2018

The Morlon Lab well represented at the Evolution 2018 meeting in Montpellier, with talks by Leandro Aristide, Julien Clavel and Benoit Perez and posters by Sophia Lambert, Odile Maliet and Ana Silva.


High dimensional phylogenetic comparative methods

Our paper developing phylogenetic comparative methods for high dimensional data, first-authored by Julien Clavel, is now available at Systematic Biology. Congrats Julien!


July 2018

Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciencia

Hélène gives a talk at the Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciencia. Thank you Lounes Chikhi for hosting!


June 2018

Marc defending his PhD

PhD student Marc Manceau, co-advised by Amaury Lambert, defends his PhD. Congrats Marc!


Evolution Paris

Hélène gives a talk a the first Evolution Paris conference.


May 2018

Ana joining the group

Welcome to the new postdoc Ana Silva!


Comparative Genomics Meeting in Xuzhou

Hélène gives a talk a the Symposium The Molecular Tree of Life: From Coalescence to Comparative Genomics in Xuzhou, China.


April 2018

Jonathan Drury visiting

Former postdoc Jonathan Drury spends some time with us in Paris. Very nice to see you Jonathan!


February 2018

Evolution of traits involved in resource use and sociality

Our paper assessing the role of competition in driving the evolution of traits involved in resource use and social interactions in songbirds, first-authored by former postdoc Jonathan Drury, is now available at PloS Biology. Congrats Jonathan!


Marie-Curie Fellowships

Former PhD student Jonathan Rolland and current postdoc Julien Clavel both obtain prestigious Marie-Curie Fellowships. Congrats!


Carmelo joining the group

New postdoc! Welcome Carmelo Fruciano!


CNRS - Le Journal

Séverine Duparcq meets Hélène in her office and writes a nice piece about our research in the CNRS magazine. Thank you Séverine!


January 2018

Sophia and Margaux joining the group

Sophia Lambert and Margaux Bieuville joined the group for their master studies. Welcome!


Evolution of traits involved in resource use and sociality

Our paper assessing the role of competition in driving the evolution of traits involved in resource use and social interactions in songbirds, first-authored by former postdoc Jonathan Drury, has been accepted at PloS Biology. Congrats Jonathan!


Taxe Apprentissage ENS

Notre équipe mise en avant pour la plaquette de la Taxe Apprentissage ENS.


December 2017

Environment-dependent diversification

Our paper assessing the performance of environment-dependent phylogenetic diversification models, first-authored by postdoc Eric Lewitus, has been accepted at Systematic Biology. Congrats Eric!


Mini-course in Vasteras

Hélène gave a mini-course on Mathematical Models to study the evolution of biodiversity at the Malardalens University in Vasteras.


Web Chat ENS

Elèves, enseignants et chercheurs (dont Hélène) répondent à vos questions sur les sciences à l'ENS.


November 2017

Irène Joliot Curie Price

Hélène receives the 2017 Irène Joliot Curie Price for young scientific women. Watch this very cool video that was made for the occasion. Frederique Vidal gave a speech about women & science during the ceremony at the ministry of higher education, research and innovation, and here is also a video of the ceremony at the Academie des Sciences.


Hélène giving a seminar at the SZN

Hélène presented research from the group at the Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn in Napoli. Thank you Daniele Ludicone for the invitation!


Julien giving a seminar at the iPHEP

Julien presented his work at the Laboratoire Paléontologie Evolution Paléoecosystèmes Paléoprimatologie (former iPHEP) in Poitiers.


October 2017

Odile at iDiv

Odile participated in a working group on "Explaining the latitudinal diversity gradient: synthesizing knowledge via data-driven mechanistic modelling" at the German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv).


Julien presenting at the SFS

Julien presented his recent developments of phylogenetic comparative methods at the annual meeting of the French Society for Systematic Biology.


September 2017

Guilhem graduating

Guilhem defended his PhD entitled "From models to data: understanding biodiversity patterns from environmental DNA data." Congrats Guilhem! Here is a copy of the thesis.


Wanted: motivated postdocs

Hélène is looking for bright and motivated postdocs to join the group to work on an ERC-funded project. Apply!


Interspecific interactions & phenotypic evolution

Our paper assessing phylogenetic tools for analyzing the interplay between interspecific interactions & phenotypic evolution, first-authored by former postdoc Jonathan Drury, is now in press at Systematic Biology, and available here. Congrats Jonathan!


August 2017

Eric talking at ESA 2017

Eric presented his research during a Symposium organized by James O'Dwyer and Mercedes Pascual at the 2017 Ecological Society of America meeting in Portland, OR. Thank you James and Mercedes for organizing this and for inviting Eric!


SDM course in Copenhagen

Hélène gave seminars in Copenhagen at the international PhD course organized by David Nogues-Bravo about "Modelling species distributions under climate change".


July 2017

Renske, Olivier & Hélène talking at BES Macro 2017

Renske, Olivier and Hélène presented their research at the 2017 British Ecological Society Macroecology meeting in London, UK.


June 2017

Julien at Evolution 2017

Julien Clavel will be presenting some of his most recent developments to study high-dimensional phenotypic evolution at the 2017 Evolution meeting in Portland, Oregon. Don't miss his talk!


The ENS writes about our team

Here is and article (in french!) about our group.


The lab featured in Nature Careers

The journal Nature takes our group as an example to talk about successful research at small institutions. Come work with us!


Hélène promoted Research Director

Hélène is ranked first at the national competition to become a CNRS researcher director, in the section entitled "Environments, societies: from fundamental research to applications".


Marc presenting his research

Marc presents his research at the 2017 MCEB Conference in Porquerolles.


Gisela Kopp visiting

Gisela Kopp from the Max Planck Institute for Ornithology spent the week with us to develop a project at the interface between behavioral ecology and macroevolution.


Samuel joining the group

Samuel joined the group for his L3 internship. Welcome Samuel!


May 2017

Jonathan successful in job search

Former post-doc in the group Jonathan Drury is offered several faculty jobs and chooses to join Durham University's Department of Biosciences. He will start his new lab in January 2018. Congrats Jonathan!


Phylogenomics & Phylogeography

Hélène presents research from the group at the workshop on Phylogenomics & Phylogeography at the University of Gothenburg, Chalmers. Thank you Scott Edwards and Bengt Oxelman for organizing this workshop.


Benoit presenting his research

Benoit presents his research at the Young Researchers in Life Sciences symposium in Paris.


April 2017

Leandro joining the group

Leandro joined us from Argentina, welcome Leandro!


Benoit presenting his research

Benoit presents his research at the International Conference on Holobionts and wins the poster prize. Congrats Benoit!


March 2017

Climate change and evolutionary rates in the Cenozoic

Julien's paper on the effect of past climatic changes on rates of body-size evolution has been accepted in PNAS. Congrats Julien!


Seminar in Ecologie et Evolution in Montpellier

Hélène gave one of the Seminars in Ecology and Evolution in Montpellier. Thank you Fabien Condamine and Sonia Kefi for inviting me!


Pi Day

Hélène talked about how mathematics can help us understand the history of life at the Théâtre des Variétés. Thanks to the organizers for the invitation, what a great experience!


February 2017

Computational & Quantitative Biology @IBENS

We inaugurated an initiative in Computational & Quantitative Biology @IBENS


Gordon Research Conference

Eric, Hélène and Jonathan presented their research at the 2017 Gordon Research Conference on Speciation.


Banting Fellowship

Former PhD student Jonathan Rolland has been granted a prestigious Banting Fellowship to work with Dolph Schluter. Congrats Jonathan!


January 2017

Benoit joining the group

Benoit joined the group for the second year of his master. Welcome Benoit!


Jonathan visiting

Former postdoc Jonathan Drury visited us in Paris, great to have him back!


November 2016

Trait evolution in coevolving lineages

Our paper presenting a general framework including traits coevolving across interacting lineages, first authored by Marc, has been accepted in Systematic Biology. Congrats Marc!


Jonathan Rolland receives the SFE young researcher award

Former PhD student Jonathan Rolland receives the 2016 young researcher award from the French Ecology Society for his PhD paper on the mammalian latitudinal diversity gradient. Congrats Jonathan!


Antonin Machac visiting

Antonin visited us for a couple of days from the University of Copenhagen.


October 2016

Renske joining the group

Renske joined the group as a postdoctoral researcher. Welcome Renske!


Biodiversity Research Agency of the Reunion Island

Hélène joins the scientific committee of ARBRE, an agency aimed at monitoring and protecting biodiversity in the Reunion island.


September 2016

The complete tree of life on a single page

OneZoom releases a new version encompassing the full tree of life!


Life Sciences in the XXI century

Hélène participates in a national action to promote Life Sciences


Guilhem joining the group

After three years in Toulouse, Guilhem joined the group to finish his PhD. Welcome Guilhem!


CNRS committee

Hélène has been nominated to be part of the National Committee of Scientific Research, in the section Biodiversity, evolution and biologival adaptation: from macromolecules to communities.


César defending his master's thesis

Cesar defended his master's thesis on the application of Hawkes processes to the phylogenetic study of diversification. Congrats César!


August 2016

Natural constraints to species diversification

Our meta-analysis of vertebrate phylogenies, first authored by Eric, is now online in PloS Biology. Congrats again Eric!


Age richness relationships

Luna's paper on the biological interpretation of clade age vs species-richness relationships in now in press in Systematic Biology. Congrats Luna!


SDM course in Copenhagen

Hélène is teaching in Copenhagen at an international PhD course organized by David Nogues-Bravo about "Modelling species distributions under climate change".


Jonathan visiting Florian Hartig

Jonathan pays a visit to Florian to advance a project aimed at modeling phenotypic evolution using ABC.


Jonathan presenting at ISBE2016

Jonathan will be presenting his research at the 16th congress of the International Society for Behavorial Ecology to be held in Exeter, UK.


July 2016

Postdoctoral positions

Interested in joining us? Several postdoctoral positions are available, the review of applications will begin soon!


Natural constraints to species diversification

Our meta-analysis of vertebrate phylogenies, first authored by Eric, has been accepted in PloS Biology. Congrats Eric!


Talk from TEDxHamburg

Hélène's talk at TEDxHamburg is now available online.


June 2016

Ecology & Behavior

Hélène presents research from the group at the Ecology & Behavior conference held in Lyon.


Florian Hartig in Paris

Florian visits us for the fourth time to make progress on the development of Bayesian models for diversification and trait evolution. This productive collaboration is made possible by a Procope mobility grant.


Evolution 2016

Eric, Jonathan and Olivier present their research at the Evolution 2016 meeting in Austin, Texas. Here is also a blog post about RPANDA to celebrate the occasion!


MCEB 2016

Odile presents her research at the MCEB 2016 meeting in Montpellier.



Hélène speaks about Exploring the history of life at the TEDx event "Pause. Forward" held in Hambourg.


Camille joining the group

Camille joins the group, welcome!


May 2016

Eric in Roscoff

Eric presents its research at the Monod Conference: Molecules as documents of evolutionary history: 50 years after organized by Vincent Daubin and Isabel Sanmartin.


Jonathan in Lucerne

Jonathan participates in a workshop on the role of species interactions on evolution in Lucerne, organized by Carlos Melian, Blake Matthews, Ole Seehausen, and Luke Harmon.


April 2016


Hélène becomes the Chief International Partnerships Officer of the OneZoom project. She is excited to be part of an adventure aiming to provide easy access to scientific knowledge about biodiversity and evolution by building an online tree of life explorer.



Karen Eng interviews Hélène about a newly drawn tree of life.


Luke Harmon visiting

Always great fun to have Luke Harmon around. Thank you Luke for visiting and giving a great seminar.


César joining the group

César joins the group, welcome!


March 2016

Competition and trait evolution

Our paper on estimating competition from phylogenetic comparative data, first authored by Jonathan, is now available online at Syst Bio. Congrats Jonathan!


The regulators of biodiversity in deep time

Our paper on diversity through time under neutral theory, first authored by Olivier, is now available online, as part of a special issue edited by Thomas Ezard, Tiago Quental and Michael Benton in PTRSB. Congrats Olivier! Thanks Tom, Tiago and Mike for putting this together.


Phuong joining the group

Phuong joins the group, welcome!


Hélène speaking in Zurich

Hélène presents research from the group at the University of Zurich. Thank you Peter Linder for the invitation.


February 2016

Dreaming at TED

Hélène Dreams (after stressing over giving her talk) at TED. This is just the beginning of a huge adventure. Thanks TED Fellows Program for making this happen and fellow Fellows for being so freaking awesome.


Jonathan Rolland wins prize for his PhD

Former PhD student Jonathan Rolland wins the young researcher prize from the Fondation Bettencourt Schueller for his PhD work. Congrats Jonathan, i am proud of you.


January 2016

Diversity dynamics & neutral theory

Our paper examining how diversity unfolds through time under neutral theory, first authored by Olivier, has been accepted at the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. Congrats Olivier!


American Society of Naturalists 2016

Hélène presented research from the group at the 2016 American Society of Naturalists 2016 conference in Asilomar, California, in a symposium on the Latitudinal Diversity Gradient organized by Gary Mittelbach and Doug Schemske. Thanks Gary & Doug for organizing this and inviting me, it was very stimulating!


December 2015


Hélène enthusiasticly joins the crowd of TED fellows. Super exciting! She will give a talk at the 2016 TED conference Dream. in Vancouver.


Phylogenetic Laplacian Spectrum

Our paper on comparing and clustering phylogenies using their laplacian spectrum, first authored by Eric, has been accepted and is available online at Systematic Biology. Congratulations Eric!


RPANDA paper

Our 'tutorial' paper presenting the RPANDA package we develop for phylogenetics approaches in macroevolution is now available online at Methods in Ecology and Evolution. Well done team!


Lab trip to Freiburg

Odile, Jonathan and Julien visit Florian Hartig in Freiburg to make progress on the development of Bayesian models for diversification and trait evolution. This productive collaboration is made possible by a Procope mobility grant.


Biological Systematics

Hélène opens the conference at the III Iberian Congress of Biological Systematics. Thank you Benjamin Gomez for the invitation!


November 2015

The Earth in year 2100

Hélène participates in a conference/debate organized by the CNRS in the context of COP21 on how to improve predictive models. The debate (in french!) is available here.


Florian Hartig in Paris

Florian visits us for the third time to make progress on the development of Bayesian models for diversification and trait evolution. This productive collaboration is made possible by a Procope mobility grant.


Genomics of Microbial Communities

Hélène speaks about macroevolution in the microbial world at the Fifth cross disciplinary genomics symposium in Paris.


October 2015

Molecular Bioinformatics

Hélène presents research from the group at the 2015 molecular bioinformatics symposium at the Pasteur Institut in Paris.


New directions in biodiversity theory and modeling

The two Olivier(s), Odile and Hélène participates in a workshop on New directions in biodiversity theory and modeling at the Center biodiversity theory and modeling where Hélène leads discussion about modeling in macroevolution. Thank you Claire de Mazancourt and Michel Loreau for organizing this!


September 2015

Tropical Ecology & Mandrills in Gabon

Hélène participates in an interdisciplinary workshop in tropical ecology in Bakoumba, Gabon, organized by Martine Hossaert-McKey and Pierre-Michel Forget. Among others, she discovers the amazing comportmental work on mandrills that Marie Charpentier is carrying in the Lekedi park.


CNRS Bronze Medal

While Hélène is in Gabon, a ceremony is held for grantees of the 2015 CNRS Bronze Medal. Here is a 4-min video (in french, sorry..) produced for the occasion where she presents research in the group.


Second release of RPANDA

We just released a new version of our R package RPANDA for macoevolutionary analyses on phylogenetic trees. Check it out!


Large scale convergence in frogs

Our work with former postdoc in the group Dan Moen on the large scale phenotypic convergence of frogs has just been accepeted in Systematic Biology. Congrats Dan!


Odile and Olivier join the group

Two new members in the group this month! We are delighted to welcome Odile Maliet, who is starting a PhD thesis co-advised by Nicolas Loeuille at the iEES, and Olivier Billaud, who will be doing a 6-month internship with us. Welcome!


August 2015

People Behind the Science

Hélène is interviewed by Marie McNeely for an episode of People Behind the Science. You can find a podcast of the interview here.


Jonathan & Hélène present their work in Oxford

Jonathan & Hélène both give a talk at the10th Systematics Association Biennial Conference in Oxford.


Hélène teaching in Copenhagen

For the second consecutive year, Hélène teaches at the International PhD course on modelling species distributions in Copenhagen.


Florian Hartig in Paris

Florian visits us for the second time to make progress on the development of Bayesian models for diversification and trait evolution. This productive collaboration is made possible by a Procope mobility grant.


July 2015

Mathematical Models in Ecology and Evolution

Eric, Julien, Marc, and Olivier present their work at 2015 MMEE conference. A good opportunity for Hélène to see her former adviser Joshua Plotkin!


June 2015

Evolution 2015

Hélène, Julien, Marc, and Olivier give talks at the 2015 Evolution meeting in Guaraja, Brazil. The meeting was super stimulating, as usual! Here's a video of Helene's talk if you want to hear about Eric's work on the spectral density of phylogenetic trees...


Workshop in Sao Paulo

Hélène and Olivier participate in a workshop on "Identifying the regulators of biodiversity in deep time" in Sao Paulo, organized by Tiago Quental and Thomas Ezard. Thank you Tiago and Thomas for organizing this!


Carnivora & the latitudinal diversity gradient

Our paper on the latitudinal diversity gradient of Carnivora, first authored by former PhD student Jonathan Rolland, is now accepted at Global Ecology and Biogeography.


Microbial Biogeography

Our paper on the biogeography of microbial antibiotic production, first authored by Hélène, is now available at PloS One.


Dan Moen in Paris

Former post-doc Dan Moen comes back to Paris for a couple weeks to make progress on projects (and eat pastries!). So nice to see you Dan!


Frontiers in Ecology & Evolution

Hélène & Jonathan give a seminar at the symposium Frontiers in Ecology & Evolution, held at the ENS as part of the ENS-Arizona program.


May 2015

CESAB project funded

The project ACTIAS on insect diversity, led by Rodolphe Rougerie, has been selected for funding by the Center for the synthesis and analysis of biodiversity. Congrats Rodolphe, happy to be part of the adventure!


April 2015

Phylogenetics & Biodiversity in Philly

Eric and Hélène give a talk at the Phylogenetics & Biodiversity meeting organized by Blair Hedges in Temple, Philadelphia. Thanks Blair for organizing this, it was an incredible meeting!


Mathematics & Biodiversity in Aussois

Former, current and future PhD students in the group, Jonathan, Marc and Odile, attend the Mathematics & Biodiversity spring course in Aussois.


Fabien Condamine ranked first at CNRS

Former postdoc in the group Fabien Condamine has been ranked first at the CNRS section "Biodiversity, Evolution & Adaptation". Congratulations Fabien, and welcome to the CNRS!


Cycads & Molecular dating

Fabien's paper on the impact of branching prior on molecular dating and the implications for the evolutionary history of Cycads is accepted at BMC Evolutionary Biology, congrats Fabien! The paper is open access on the BMC Evolutionary Biology website.


March 2015

Bayesian statistics

Very productive workshop on Bayesian Statistics and their application to phylogenetics with Dr. Florian Hartig, Pr. Carsten Dormann, Lara Budic and Paul Bauche from Freiburg. This visit was made possible by a Procope mobility grant.


Eric interviewed by Pour la Science

Eric was interviewed by Pour la Science about his previous work at the Max Planck Institute. Read about genes, brains, and smartness.


February 2015

CNRS Bronze Medal

Hélène's group is attributed the CNRS Bronze Medal. Well done team!


Phylogenies and the neutral theory of biodiversity

Marc's paper on phylogenies arising from a neutral and individual-based model of diversification is now available on the Ecology Letters website. Congrats Marc!


Visio talk

Hélène gives a visionary talk about biodiversity research at the Center for Research and Interdisciplinarity. Here is a recording of the talk.


Craig Moritz visiting

Pr. Craig Moritz from Australia visited us to talk about cryptic speciation. It was a nice visit Craig!


January 2015

Diversification in Mediterranean hotspots

Elizabeth's paper on the diversification of Proteaceae now available on the New Phytologist website. Congrats Elizabeth!


2015 IBS meeting in Bayreuth

Hélène and Julien presents their work at the International Biogeography Society 7th Conference. A lot of good interactions there, think about attending the upcoming 2016 IBS meeting in Las Vegas!


Innovation workshop in Santiago

Hélène participates in a workshop on innovation dynamics in cultural and biological systems at the Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile. Thank you Pablo Marquet and Michael Hochberg for organizing this!


December 2014

R package on diversification out!

R codes corresponding to methods developed in the Morlon et al. 2010 PloSB, Morlon et al. 2011 PNAS, Condamine et al. 2013 Eco Lett, and Manceau et al. 2015 Eco Lett papers are now available on CRAN in the R package RPANDA.


Hélène defending her HDR

Hélène will be defending this weird french thing called HDR (Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches) on December 18th at 1pm in Salle Favard at the ENS. After that (if she succeeds) she will officially be allowed to supervise PhD students. France is awesome... The defense is public, you are welcome to join for the defense and/or following reception.


Trophic similarity and community assembly

Hélène's paper with Sonia Kefi and Neo Martinez on the effects of trophic similarity on community composition is now available on the Ecology Letters website.


November 2014

Jonathan Drury and Julien Clavel joining the group

Jonathan and Julien just joined the group. Welcome!


Phylogenetic comparative methods and their application

Olivier attends the Linnean Society of London meeting on Radiation, Extinction, and Clade Dynamics in Deep Time and the Donana meeting on Modern Phylogenetic Comparative Methods .


Vertebrate Paleontology meeting

Julien presents his research at the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology Meeting in Berlin.


October 2014

Eric Lewitus joining the group

Eric just joined us in Paris. Welcome Eric!


Brian Maitner visiting

Brian from the Enquist lab will be with us until the end of December, welcome Brian!


Jonathan's PhD defense

Jonathan Rolland defended his PhD. It was a great defense, congrats Jonathan for awesome work!


New directions in biodiversity theory and modeling

Eric, Marc, Olivier and Hélène participated in a workshop on New directions in biodiversity theory and modeling at the Center biodiversity theory and modeling. Thank you Claire de Mazancourt and Michel Loreau for organizing this!


September 2014

Formal Methods in MacroBiology

Hélène will give a keynote at the first international conference on Formal Methods in MacroBiology to be held in Nouméa Sept 22-24.


August 2014

Estimating the duration of speciation

Our paper with Rampal Etienne and Amaury Lambert on estimating the duration of speciation from phylogenies is Open Access at Evolution.


Ecological Society of America

Jonathan presented his work at the 2014 ESA meeting in Sacramento.


Modelling species distributions

Hélène will be teaching at the International PhD course on modelling species distributions in Copenhagen.


July 2014

Joining the editorial board of PloS Biology

Hélène is joining the board of editors at PloS Biology. Proud to be part of the Open Access movement!


Olivier Missa joining the group

Marie-Curie fellow Olivier Missa arrived in Paris. He will be among us for two years. Welcome Olivier!


Luna and Sonia visiting

Luna and Sonia payed us a visit this month. It is always great to have them around!


June 2014

Mathematical and Computational Evolutionary Biology

Hélène presented research from the group at the Mathematical and Computational Evolutionary Biology meeting in Montpellier. She was kindly invited by Olivier Gascuel, thank you it was a great meeting!


Radiation meeting in Zurich

Fabien, Jana, Jonathan and Luna presented their work at the Radiations meeting in Zurich.


May 2014

From dinosaurs to birds

Read our primer discussing deep time adaptive radiations, first authored by Dan, in PloS Biology.


Nuit des Sciences

Research from the lab was represented at the Nuit des Sciences at the ENS.


April 2014

Dan and Jonathan finding sweet postdoc opportunities

Dan got selected to pursue as a Darwin fellow at the University of Massachusetts, and Jonathan will pursue as a postdoc in Nicolas Salamin's group in Lausanne. Well done guys!


March 2014

Deep time adaptive radiation

Dan has a nice Primer coming out in PloS Biology on deep time adaptive radiations. Congrats Dan!


Seasonal dispersal and bird diversification

Jonathan's paper on the effect of seasonal migration on bird diversification is accepted at PRSB. Congrats Jonathan!


CESAB working group

Jonathan, Fabien and Hélène participate in the fourth ISLANDS working group, coordinated by Christophe Thébaud.


SMILE video

Check out this cool video featuring the SMILE group, lead by Amaury Lambert.


February 2014

Moen & Morlon TREE paper in press

Our paper on biological explanations for diversification slowdowns is in press in TREE. Congrats Dan!


January 2014

Phylogenetic Approaches for studying diversification

Hélène's review of phylogenetic approaches for studying diversification is now available on Eco Lett website.


Moving to the ENS

We just moved to the Institute of Biology at the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris.


International Biogeography Society

Hélène presents work from the group at the International Biogeography Society in Canberra.


December 2013

ERC grant funded

Hélène's proposal to the European Research Council has been selected for funding. Several postdoc research positions are going to be available through this grant. Contact Hélène if you are interested in joining the group!


Rolland et al. latitudinal diversity gradient paper in press

Our paper on the mammalian latitudinal diversity gradient, first-authored by Jonathan, is accepted at PloS Biology. Congrats Jo!


Fabien's Marie Curie proposal accepted

Fabien got awarded a prestigious International Outgoing Marie-Curie Fellowship. Congrats Fab!


November 2013

Lab members presenting their research

This month, research from our research group was presented by group members in Toulouse, the Museum of Natural History and the Institute Henri Poincaré.


Statistical Ecology

The french research network on Statistical Ecology coordinated by Olivier Gimenez receives support from the CNRS. Hélène coordinates the 'phylogeny' part of this network with Emmanuel Paradis.


October 2013

Irena Simova in Paris

Irena will be with us for two weeks, working on a cool project linking genome size and diversification in plants.


September 2013

France Berkeley Fund meeting

Charles Marshall, Tiago Quental and Hélène organize a workshop sponsored by the France Berkeley Fund on "Long term diversity dynamics: integrating molecular phylogenies and the fossil record". The workshop will be held Sept 23-25 and is open, so if you can make it to Berkeley, don't hesitate to join us!


Post-meeting news: check this cool post by Tracy Heath. Glad you enjoyed the workshop Tracy!


Luna and Jana in Paris

PhD students Luna Sanchez Reyes from Mexico and Jana Smrčková from the University of South Bohemia joined the lab for small internships. Welcome girls!


August 2013

IBS representative for France

David Nogues-Bravo kindly invited Hélène to be the IBS representative for France. Biogeographers working in France, if you would like to communicate your opinion and thoughts about the biogeographic research and the community of biogeographers in France, or how to make Biogeography a more prominent discipline in France, this would be most useful! Hélène will attend the IBS early career conference to be held in Canberra in January 2014.


July 2013

Jessica Green in Paris

Jessica just arrived. She will spend her sabbatical here (a full year!), sponsored by the prestigious Blaise Pascal fellowship.


CESAB working group

Fabien and Hélène participated in the third ISLANDS working group, coordinated by Christophe Thébaud.


June 2013

John Wiens visiting

John Wiens visited during a week to work with Dan, his former PhD student who is currently postdoc in the lab.


Vicky in Paris

Victoria Culshaw joined the lab for a short internship. She will be here until the end of August.


May 2013

Dan and Fabien presenting their work

Postdocs Dan Moen and Fabien Condamine present their work in Sevilla and at the MNHN.


Hannah in Paris

Chateaubriand fellow Hannah Salim arrived in Paris for her first visit. Awesome!


April 2013

Touring the US

Hélène gives a quantitative biology colloqium seminar at the University of Arizona and an iBEST seminar at the University of Idaho.


Jess Green Guggenheim Fellow

Jess Green was named a Guggenheim Fellow for her visit in Paris. Looking forward to your visit, Jess!


NEScent catalysis meeting

Hélène participates in a catalysis meeting on integrating phylogenies & fossils organized by Sam Price, Graham Slater and Lars Schmitz. A lot of cool people and discussions there!


Lucile joins the Lab

Lucile Morelle joins the Lab. She is co-advised by Amandine Véber. Welcome Lucile!


CNRS brainstorming days in Oléron

Hélène animates a session on modeling during these days at the crossroad between Ecology, Economy and Law organized by the interdisciplinary section of the CNRS.


March 2013

Pierre-Henri Fabre’s Marie-Curie Fellowship granted

Pierre-Henri’s proposal on adaptive and non-adaptive radiations has been accepted for an IOF postodc between Jonathan Losos’s Lab at Harvard and my Lab. Congrats!


Dan’s CEBA proposal granted

Dan’s proposal with Elodie Courtois and Anthony Herrel on phenotypic variation, morphology and performance in frogs has been granted. Congrats!


Hannah joigning the Lab

Hannah got awarded a prestigious Chateaubriand fellowship to visit the Lab. She will be in Paris until July. Welcome Hannah!


January-February 2013

CESAB working group

Fabien participated in the second ISLANDS working group, coordinated by Christophe Thébaud.


Visiting the University of Sao Paulo

Hélène, Fabien and Jonathan visit Tiago Quental at USP as part of the Chaire francaise dans l’état de Sao Paulo program. Hélène gives a seminar at the Southern Summer School in Mathematical Biology. Hélène presents research from her group at the departmental seminar.


CNRS committee

Hélène joins the CNRS interdisciplinary committee, section 51.


December 2012

Condamine et al. macreoevolution & environmental change paper published

Our paper is now in press at Ecology Letters. Congrats Fabien!



Erick Matsen kindly invited Hélène to give a Phyloseminar. Thank you Erick for this great initiative, all phyloseminars are recorded and can be seen here.



Frederic Austerlitz kindly invited Hélène to give a Evolmol seminar. Thanks Frederic.


November 2012

Talk at the University of Lausanne

Nicolas Salamin kindly invited Hélène to give the Departmental Seminar. Very good visit, thank you Nicolas!


Jessica Green visiting

It was so nice to have Jess around for a week. Looking forward to her sabbatical next year!


CNRS Thematic School in Vietnam

Hélène is just coming back from the Do-Son Thematic School, Vietnam, organized by Martine Hossaert-McKey and Pierre-Michel Forget. What a great experience! Thanks Martine and PM for inviting me!


October 2012

PhyloSmile workshop

Don’t miss the PhyloSmile workshop on Phylogenetic approaches to diversification, co-organized by Hélène and Amaury Lambert. Elisabeth, Fabien and Jonathan will be presenting their work there.


National Institute for Ecology and the Environment

Hélène will act as a “resource” person (whatever that means...) during these “prospective days“ (dito) in Avignon.


Statistical Methods for Post Genomic Data

Hélène joined the scientific committee of SMPGD.


September 2012

Science Perspective

Check out this Science Perspective paper about microbial coexistence and cooperation.


All Taxa Biodiversity Inventory

Regis Ferriere kindly invited Hélène to participate and present at the All Taxa Biodiversity Inventory working group.


CESAB working group

Fabien and Hélène participated in the first ISLANDS working group, coordinated by Christophe Thébaud.


August 2012

Joining the Editorial Board of Ecology Letters

Marcel Holyoak kindly invited me to join the Editorial Board of Ecology Letters. Wish me luck!


July 2012

Evolution meeting

All of you who were there know it was a great meeting.


June 2012

Chateaubriand fellowship

Hannah Salim got awarded a prestigious Chateaubriand fellowship to visit the lab. Hannah is a PhD student at UC Berkeley in Matthew Potts’ group. Congratulations Hannah, and welcome!


France-Berkeley fund granted

Our France-Berkeley project with Charles Marshall has been selected for funding .


Ecology Letters conference

Mike Hochberg and Marcel Holyoak kindly invited me to present research from the lab at the Ecology Letters conference on ecological effects of environmental change, to be held in Paris on June 22nd.


Phylogenies in Lille

Celine Poux kindly invited me to present at the ”Phylogeny Day”, to be held in Lille on June 18th.


Biodiversity and Bioinformatics

Laurent Duret and Michael Blum kindly invited me to give a talk at the Biodiversity and Bioinformatics 2012 conference, to be held in Lyon on June 8th.


May 2012

Statistics for Systems Biology

Mahendra Mariadassou kindly invited me to give a talk at the Statistics for Systems Biology seminar series.


April 2012

Fabien and Jonathan present their research

Fabien presented his research at the ESE in Orsay and the LECA in Grenoble. Jonathan presented his research at the MNHN in Paris.


Center for Biodiversity and Climate

Susanne Fritz and Daniele Silvestro kindly invited me to give a talk at the Center for Biodiversity and Climate in Frankfurt.


March 2012

Franco-Brazilian application granted

My application to the Franco-Brazilian collaboration program with Tiago Quental has been granted. Members of the Lab will be visiting Tiago in Sao Paulo for 2 months!


Three students working on their master program

Yacine Ben Chehida, Prince Peprah Osei and Elisabeth Reyes started their master internship this month. Welcome and good luck!


February 2012

Explosive radiation in bacteria

Our paper on diversification patterns in Borrelia burgdorferi is now available at Evolution.


Cologne Spring Meeting

Michael Lassig kindly invited me to give a talk at the 2012 Cologne Spring Meeting on Molecular Ecology and Evolution.


Fabien Condamine joined the Lab

Postdoctoral researcher Fabien Condamine joined the Lab. He is funded by my ANR-CHEX project. Welcome Fabien!


January 2012

CESAB project granted

Our project “Community Assembly on Remote Islands: Does the Equilibrium Theory Apply?” coordinated by Christophe Thébaud has been selected by the FRB. Should be fun!


Ecology and Genomics

I am monitoring a session entitled “Ecology and Genomics” at the Statistical Methods for Post Genomic Data symposium, to be held in Lyon on January 26-27.


December 2011

Phylogenies and Conservation

Jonathan’s report of our session at the EEF meeting is now available at Biology Letters.


Selection in Population Genetics

I will participate in the workshop Selection in Population Genetics, organized by Aleksandra Walcsak and Michael Desai, to be held in Paris on Dec 6-7.


November 2011

National Academies Keck Futures Initiative

I will participate in the National Academies Keck Futures Initiative on Ecosystem Services, to be held in UC Irvine on Nov 10-13.


Mathematics for Life Sciences

The University of Paris-Sud, the Ecole Polytechnique and the Ecole Normale Supérieure launch a new master program, entitled Mathematics for Life Sciences. I will teach classes in this master program.


Center for Mathematics and Informatics

Etienne Pardoux kindly invited me to give a talk at the Mathematics, Evolution and Genome seminar series in Marseille.


October 2011

Reconciling molecular phylogenies with the fossil record

My paper with Todd Parsons and Joshua Plotkin is now available at the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA. This paper was featured by Science Daily and the CNRS. Read also this commentary by Tanja Stadler.


Center for Macroecology, Evolution and Climate

Pierre-Henri Fabre kindly invited me to give a talk at the Center for Macroecology, Evolution and Climate at the University of Copenhagen.


September 2011

Evolutionary History and Conservation Biology at EEF

Franck Jabot and myself are organizing a symposium entitled "Evolutionary history, ecosystem function, and conservation biology: new perspectives" at the european ecological meeting, to be held in Avila on September 25-29. This symposium is co-sponsored by the French Foundation for Research on Biodiversity (FRB) and the French Ecological Society (SFE). PhD student Jonathan Rolland will be there too!


Jonathan Rolland joined the Lab

PhD student Jonathan Rolland joined the Lab. Welcome Jonathan!


August 2011

ANR project granted; postdoctoral position available

The French National Research Agency (ANR, programme Chaire d'Excellence) selected my project ECOEVOBIO "ECOlogical and EVOlutionary determinants of BIOdiversity: integrating biogeography, functional ecology, and macroevolution" for funding. A postdoctoral position associated with this project is available!


Joining the Editorial Board of Systematic Biology

Luke Harmon got me there (thanks Luke!). He suggested it could be a fun experience...


Phylogenetics and Ecological Networks at ESA

Neo Martinez presented our research entitled "Phylogenetic tools elucidate effects of trophic interactions on community assembly" at the ESA Organized Oral Session "Evolutionary Processes in Ecological Networks" organized by Jennifer Dunne, held in Austin on August 10th.


Summer school in French-Guyana

Just coming back from a summer school for the students from the EcoSciences program at the Ecole Polytechnique. This summer school, organized by Jérôme Chave, was held in the Nouragues research station situated in the middle of the tropical forest in French Guyana. It was a wonderful experience!


July 2011

Talk at Ecobio in Rennes

Andreas Prinzing kindly invited me to give a talk at the University of Rennes.


May 2011

Workshops in Montpellier and Agay

The same month, I participated in two workshops, one organized by ecologists Nicolas Mouquet and Wilfried Thuiller, and the other one organized by applied mathematicians Nicolas Champagnat and Sylvie Méléard. I also gave talks at the ISEM in Montpellier, and at the Ecology, Systematic and Evolution Department at Orsay.


April 2011

Videos & paper available

Videos of the CEE symposium entitled “Integrating ecology into macroevolutionary research” held last March in London are now available online. A meeting report is also available in Biology Letters.

I also gave my talk at the Museum of Natural History in Paris. Here are the slides.


March 2011

CEE symposium

I will be presenting at the Center for Ecology & Evolution symposium organized by Lynsey McInnes and Albert Phillimore to take place in London on March 9th.


February 2011

Codes available

Codes associated with various papers are now available. Check the Resources section of this website.


January 2011

Spatial patterns of phylogenetic diversity

Our paper is Open Access at Ecology Letters. This paper was featured by the NSF.


December 2010

Linking past and present on oceanic islands

I will be participating in the workshop “Diversity dynamics on oceanic islands: linking past and present” organized by Rosemary Gillepsie, to take place in Berkeley on 8-10 December.


October 2010

Royal Society Meeting

I will be participating in the Royal Society workshop “Biological diversity in a changing world” organized by Anne Magurran and Maria Dornelas, to take place at the Kavli Institute on 25-26 October and in London on 27-28 October.


October 2010

CNRS thematic school in French Guyana

I will be presenting at the CNRS thematic school on Biodiversity organized by Jérôme Chave, to take place in Kourou on 04-08 October.


October 2010

Joining the CNRS

I will officially start my research position with the french National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS). I will be based at the Center for Applied Mathematics at the Ecole Polytechnique, Paris.


September 2010

Inferring diversity dynamics

My paper with Joshua Plotkin and Matthew Potts is freely available online at PloS Biology. This paper has been evaluated as “Must Read” by Katia Koelle on Faculty of 1000, and featured in Science Daily.